Are you looking for a therapist that works from an Existential Analytic perspective?
Below is a list of professionals that have been trained in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy and offer counseling & psychotherapy services.
Existential Analysts
This is a partial list of diplomates in Existential Analysis. These practitioners have completed the full training program, are registered Existential Analysts and have several years of practice in EA. These therapists are also approved to provide "Self-Experience" sessions for current students enrolled in the training program. Most offer sessions both Online and in-person. Please contact them individually for availability for therapy or SE sessions.

Julia Günther, M.A.​
Location: Vienna, Austria
Languages: English, German
Website: https://julia-guenther.com/en/

Mihaela Launeanu PhD
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English, Romanian
Email: mlauneanu@existpsychotherapy.ca
Website: www.existpsychotherapy.ca

Rochelle Chapman, M.A.
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English
Email: rochelle@existpsychotherapy.ca
Website: www.existpsychotherapy.ca

Derrick Klaassen, PhD
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English, German
Email: derrick.klaassen@liminapsychology.ca
Website: www.liminapsychology.ca/

Aleks Kupavskaya, PhD
Location: London, England
Languages: English, Russian
Email: a.kupavskaya@gmail.com
Website: http://www.clever-psy.com/

Karen Steichle M.A.

Sandy ElChaar, M.A.
Location: Lebanon & England
Languages: English, Arabic
Email: sandy.elchaar@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sandyelchaar.com/

Janelle Kwee, Psy.D.
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English
Email: janelle.kwee@liminapsychology.ca
Website: www.liminapsychology.ca/

Elizabeth Chan M.A.
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English
Email: chan.elizabethj@gmail.com
Website: www.ancoracounselling.com/

Kari-Ann Thor M.Ed.
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English
Email: existentialanalysis@icloud.com
Website: www.existentialcounselling.ca

Daniel Parker, PhD
Location: United States/Brazil
Languages: English
Email: danielparkerphd@gmail.com
Website: www.danielparkerphd.com

Kate Hammer
Location: London, England
Languages: English
Email: kate@throughline.co.uk
Website: katehammer.co.uk

Olivier Bauduin
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Languages: English, French
Email: olivier@begreat.cz
Website: www.begreat.cz

Beth Daley M.Ed.
Location: Langley, British Columbia
Languages: English
Email: bethdaleycounselling@gmail.com

Cristina Reinisch, M.Sc.
Location: Vienna, Austria
Languages: English, German
Email: cristina.reinisch@existenzanalyse.at
Existential Analysts in-training
Graduates with a 2 year Certificate in Existential Analysis & Logotherapy
This is a list of some of the therapists that have graduated from the two-year long certificate program and are currently enrolled in the Clinical Diploma program. These practitioners are qualified to offer both Online and in-person counseling & therapy from an Existential Analytic perspective. Please contact them individually for therapy services.